Back to School Special 2024

5% off SSD’s with System Upgrade

Formerly the IT Division of Bellevue Computers, Plastech IT Services proudly continues the decades of quality services for the Mid-Willamette Valley.

When are we Open?

9am-Noon | 12:30pm-3pm | Monday - Friday

How to Contact us?

Phone: 541-760-3527

Where can you find us?

We build Custom Home, Office and Gaming PC’s.

Get a Tech Scammer Popup in your Browser? We can clear it. Let the scammer on your PC? We can clean it.

Old PC in need of an Upgrade, Repair or just a good Tune up?

We take pride in doing clean and efficient work.

Need to recover data from a failing Computer? We can help. We have tools to do the job and even if “We” can’t, our partner DriveSaver Can.